When talking about Vietnamese food, Pho often is mentioned first. Just like Sushi is to Japan and Spaghetti and Pizza to Italy. But as a native of Hanoi, I want to introduce some of my favorites that are just as delicious as Pho. All photos are taken by my dad and me during our making of the free ebook Hanoi Streetfood Guides.
Vịt Nướng / Grilled Duck ( This, maybe the best duck I've tasted )
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Bánh xèo / Vietnamese Savoury Crepes with prawns, pork an sprout beans
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Nem Lụi/ Charcoal Grilled pork wrapped in fresh herbs, served with Tương, fermented sauce
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Bún Chả Bà Đang/ Ms. Dang special Charcoal Grilled Pork Patty with Fish Sauce and noodles
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